The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) is currently developing Proposed American National Standard AWI 0642 - Wood Paneling.
Purpose: Provide standards and tolerances for the quality and fit of wall and ceiling surface paneling, components, and related interior finishes (henceforth referred to as “Product”).
Scope: Provides aesthetic and performance standards for wall and ceiling surface paneling composed of solid wood, wood veneer applied to core materials, decorative laminate clad panels, solid surface, and solid phenolic. Includes standards for matching of veneers and panels within building areas.
This standard was drafted by AWI Professional Staff based on the AWS 2. The AWI Technical Committee (AWI TC) and Subject Expert Review Team (SERT) reviewed the content and updated the standard.
AWI is preparing to begin the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process, during which the standard will be opened for public comment and consensus. At the completion of this process, AWI’s Technical Committee will address any comments or suggestions submitted.
Commentary regarding the Proposed American National Standard AWI 0642 - Wood Paneling draft must be submitted through the Official Letter Ballot (for members of the consensus body) or Public Comment Form (for all other parties) linked below for the purpose of AWI record keeping in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requirements. Commentary on the standard submitted outside of this format will not be considered.
Links to the Official Letter Ballot will be provided to members of the consensus body.
Please contact Technical Director Hunter Morrison or Technical Projects Manager Cheri Dermyre with any questions or for more information.
The current draft of Proposed American National Standard AWI 0642 - Wood Paneling is available here for public comment and consensus body review for balloting :
Download [ 446 KB | Apr. 2024 ]
Only the text shown in strikethrough-underline format is available for comment at this time.
Text that was removed from the draft is shown in red strikethrough and text that has been added is shown in blue underline.
All other material is provided for context only and is not open for comment, except as it relates to the proposed changes.
Please note that this document is a draft copy for the purposes of review and comment only and is NOT currently an AWI Standard.
The Public Comment Form for the Proposed American National Standard AWI 0642 - Wood Paneling draft is the only venue through which AWI will be accepting public comments.
This form will be available through July 01, 2024.
Please make sure that any comments are in reference to the most recent revision of the draft (available on this page) and no other revision, as content and references will not remain constant with the development of each new draft.
Please note that this form does NOT include the ballot question and therefore is NOT the appropriate form for those on the consensus body. Please refer to the official letter ballot form if you are on the consensus body.
The time for response shall be fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of AWI’s letter and shall be so noted in the letter. All those who have agreed to participate shall be included on the consensus body list, together with their self-selected interest categories in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements. In addition, the affiliation and interest category of each member of the consensus body shall be made available to interested parties upon written request.
The Pre-Interest Survey for Proposed American National Standard AWI 0642 - Wood Paneling is not currently open.
The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) has produced and collaborated on the development of standards in accordance with its mission since its founding in 1953 to the present day. AWI is an ANSI-accredited Standards Developer Organization. AWI’s mission is to continually improve Standards for architectural woodwork and related interior finishes, provide education and opportunities for collaborating and sharing resources, improve AWI’s member benefits, and cultivate and strengthen relationships within the industry.
Founded in 1918, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system and is committed to strengthening its impact, both domestically and internationally. The Institute represents the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations, and 30 million professionals worldwide.
ANSI facilitates the development of American National Standards (ANS) by accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations (SDOs) and approving their documents as American National Standards (ANS). This process serves and protects the public interest since standards developers accredited by ANSI – and the ANS they develop – must meet the Institute’s requirements for openness, balance, consensus, and due process and adhere to ANSI's neutral oversight, assuring that all interested parties have an opportunity to participate in a standard’s development.